Best Cardiologists in Auckland


Are you looking for a top Cardiologist in Auckland? We have listed 3 of the most highly respected heart specialists providing cardiology services and cardiac care in Auckland. 

What are Cardiologists?

Cardiologists are doctors who diagnose, assess, and treat patients with diseases and defects of the heart and blood vessels (the cardiovascular system).

Cardiologists work with adult patients – paediatric cardiology is a separate specialty.

1. Dr. Warwick Jaffe – Ascot Cardiology Group

Location: Ascot Integrated Hospital 3rd Floor/90 Green Lane, East, Auckland 1051



Telephone: 09 520 9540

Treatment Services:

General CardiologyInterventional Cardiology

Dr. Warwick Jaffe has been a professional Cardiologist for the past 30 years. He started his training at the Greenlane Hospital. When he completed his training, he went to the United States to receive the Fogarty NIH scholarship. Dr. Jaffe began private practice in 1991, and has been full time at Ascot Cardiology Group since 1999. Dr. Jaffe’s expertise is practically on hand as he only works at the Ascot Cardiology Group.

2. Dr. Nezar Amir – Auckland Heart Group

Location: 94 Mountain Road, Epsom, Auckland 1023



Telephone: 09 623 1020


Echocardiography (All Areas)

Dr. Nezar Amir is a consultant Cardiologist at The Heart Group in North Auckland Clinic & West Auckland Clinic. Nezar Amir is a general cardiologist who works in the coronary care unit, the cardiology clinic, and the general wards. He started his training in general medicine and cardiology in Baghdad, Iraq, and Auckland, New Zealand, and then completed an echocardiography training fellowship at the University of California San Francisco Medical Centre. 

3. Dr. Seif El-Jack – Cardiology Institute

Location: 119 Apollo Drive, Hauraki, Auckland 0632


Email: Consult@Cardiologist.Co.Nz.

Telephone: 09-980-6363


Academic CardiologyIschaemic Heart Disease Treatment & Prevention
Device-Based Interventional Treatment for HypertensionCoronary & Non-Coronary Interventions

Dr. Seif El-Jack is a general and interventional cardiologist based at Auckland’s North Shore where he is the Lead Interventional Cardiologist at the CardioVascular Unit. Seif Started in the UK and then finished his general cardiology training at Greenlane and Auckland City Hospitals, where he also completed an Interventional Cardiology Fellowship. Seif also does pro-bono work as part of an Australia-NZ ‘visiting-team’, helping a fledgling interventional cardiology service in Fiji.