Top 100 Dog Names

White golden labrador retriever dog on the beach

There is a lot to consider when choosing a dog’s name. You could base it on personality, looks, colour etc. When you decide on a name, it’s good to have one that just rolls off your tongue. Nothing offensive, and nothing too long to say, otherwise your dog will lose patience while they wait for your instructions.

Try out the new name for a few days and see how your dog responds. Avoid choosing a name that sounds like a command you plan to teach your dog.

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Scroll down for New Zealand’s Top Dog names that are friendly, funny, and cute!

Female names

1. Amber 11. Cookie21. Harper31. Olive41. Shandy
2. Angel12. Cuddles22. Izzy32. Pebbles42. Siren
3. Autumn13. Daisy23. Jade33. Penny43. Storm
4. Bailey14. Diva24. Jewel34. Pixie44. Summer
5. Bella15. Dora25. Lani35. Possum45. Taffy
6. Bell16. Ellie26. Lola36. Princess46. Thistle
7. Biscuit17. Elsa27. Lucy37. Raven47. Tui
8. Blondie18. Fern28. Marika38. Ribbons48. Twinkle
9. Button19. Fluffy29. Minty39. Roha49. Velvet
10. Chloe20. Forest30. Misty40. Ruby50. Zoey

Male names

1. Able11. Echo21. Kingi 31. Nikau41. Socks
2. Areo12. Elvis22. Kotuku32. Nugget42. Sparrow
3. Bear13. Falcon23. Manu33. Oreo43. Tane
4. Buddy14. Flash24. Maverick34. Pickles44. Tasman
5. Caesar15. Frost25. Max35. Punga45. Teddy
6. Cooper16. Jack26. MCcaw36. Rex46. Toby
7. Cruise17. Jasper27. Milo37. Rimu47. Toru
8. Domino18. Jet28. Moeraki38. Ripper48. Tuki
9. Duke19. Kahu29. Moko39. Rocky49. Waffles
10. Dune20. Kiki30. Moose40. Samber50. Weka